Total Medals Earned: 1,981 (From 238 different games.) Total Medal Score: 42,755 Points
Medals Earned: 8/8 (85/85 points)
Relax to the max
Drop out, become fat, and still not have time to relax.
Earn a stellar grade
Make the varsity team
Touch the finger
Overachieve ALL the things!
Must... touch... 1... more...
Medals Earned: 3/3 (65/65 points)
Beat the first 8 games
Beat the first 16 games
Beat all 32 games
Medals Earned: 10/10 (390/390 points)
Dispose of a bomb
Build 6x robots, veeerrry simple!
Destroy a spy-bee robot
Build a rack of 3 matching robots
Earned your first promotion
Build 1 each of all 6 types of robot in a single round
Half-way to the top rank!
Complete Boss Rush mode
Unlock all possible ending papers & animations
Medals Earned: 5/5 (115/115 points)
Get Level 3 Weapon
Score 1.000.000 or more!
Slay a Dragon!
Score 75.000 damage or more!
Get 100% Game Completion
Medals Earned: 10/10 (255/255 points)
Kill fiddy men
Run in place for 5 seconds
Plank for 5 seconds
5 consecutive headshots
collect 150 candies
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 20/20 (455/455 points)
Level 01 completed
Level 02 completed
Level 03 completed
Level 04 completed
Level 05 completed
Level 06 completed
Level 07 completed
Level 08 completed
Level 09 completed
Level 10 completed
Level 11 completed
Level 12 completed
Level 13 completed
Level 14 completed
Level 15 completed
Level 16 completed
Level 17 completed
Level 18 completed
Level 19 completed
Level 20 completed
Medals Earned: 4/12 (45/470 points)
Play your first game.
Check out some awesome games.
Get a streak of 20.
A perfect game.
Smash 250 keys in Keyboard Smash.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Get 1000 coins in one game.
Attack 125 letters in attack mode.
Upgrade to the max, bro.
Get a streak of 30.
Survive 80 seconds in Typing Hero.
Medals Earned: 14/14 (405/405 points)
Complete 1st mission
Complete 4th mission
Complete 6th mission
Complete 5th mission
Complete 2nd mission
Complete 3rd mission
Complete 10th mission
Complete 9th mission
Complete 8th mission
Complete 7th mission
Complete all missions (Any Difficulty)
Complete first five missions
Complete 11th mission
Complete all missions (Harder difficulty)
Medals Earned: 22/22 (500/500 points)
Give John some money.
Find coal.
Find iron.
Enter Utopia.
Get some sand.
Give Dave some money for his project.
Help building the steammachine.
Find gold.
Make the steammachine work.
Find wolfram.
Find diamond.
Give George some smaragds.
Give Dave some sand.
Find ruby.
Give George some wolfram.
Find smaragd.
Get the COre.
Give Jamie some rubies.
Finish the game
Medals Earned: 3/3 (35/35 points)
Use Wade's arsenal
Captured a great photo!